Relapse Prevention in Carrollton, TX

Drug and alcohol addiction can take a toll on your life in a matter of months. When you first start drinking and using though, addiction is probably the last thing from your mind. After going through rehab, relapse prevention in Carrollton likely isn't high on your list either.

The fact is that relapse prevention is hugely important to individuals that go through rehab and come out the other side clean and sober. While you may have learned some coping skills in rehab, life outside in the real world poses unique challenges and problems that can leave you wanting to use again.

Relapse prevention programs are out there to help you though. Use this guide to learn more about relapse prevention and why it is so important for addicts who beat drugs and alcohol and want to stay clean.

What is Relapse Prevention?

In the simplest possible terms, relapse prevention is the concept avoiding relapse. Doing this requires a lot more than willpower and the desire to not use drugs and alcohol again.

Beating drug and alcohol addiction and staying clean doesn't end when you leave rehab either. For many people, relapse prevention programs are a way of ensuring that they don't fall back into a life of addiction.

For alcohol abusers, relapse rates can be very high. Anywhere from 40% to 90% is common among former alcohol abusers.

Relapse rates for drug users aren't much better, with as many as 60% to 70% of users getting back into drugs. To avoid that, you need a structured system that will help you stay on the right path.

For many addicts, that is exactly what relapse prevention in Carrollton provides for them.

Why are Relapse Prevention Tools Necessary?

When patients enter relapse prevention programs, the first thing that they will learn is how to understand addiction. While rehab may give you the tools to beat drugs and alcohol once, it often doesn't teach you about the true nature of addiction.

Relapse prevention programs are also designed to help you learn about why you begin to use and abuse drugs and alcohol in the first place. Avoiding triggers can keep you from wanting to use again in the future.

Most treatment programs in Carrollton also aim to show you how to disassociate from negative influences that caused you to use in the first place. These people may be close family members or friends, so it often takes a deeper understanding of addiction to help you put these relationships behind you.

Whatever addiction problems you have faced in the past, relapse prevention in Carrollton can help you stay clean in the future. By entering a well-structured relapse prevention program, you can keep your life on track and avoid falling back into addiction.

Relapse Prevention Aftercare Services

Preventing a relapse is not something you can do on your own in most cases. While you may have the support of friends, family and even co-workers that care for you, it often takes a more organized system to stay clean and sober over a long period of time.

Relapse prevention aftercare services include:

  • Sober living homes. In sober living homes, addicts who leave rehab live with other addicts going through similar situations. This allows many addicts to assimilate back into the world while getting the support they need. Sober living homes have strict rules about drugs and alcohol and typically offer a wide range of group meetings, counseling and activities to help addicts stay on the right path.
  • Group counseling. Group counseling allows addicts to talk with peers and a counselor in a safe space where they can voice their concerns and issues with addiction.
  • Outpatient programs. After leaving inpatient rehab in Carrollton, outpatient treatment can provide additional recovery and avoid an immediate relapse. For many, getting through the first six months back in the world is one of the hardest things to do.
  • Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. These group meetings have a structured program designed to help former addicts stay clean. This is a common method of relapse prevention in Carrollton and around the United States.
  • Individual counseling. For some, talking with a therapist alone is more comfortable than being among a group. This type of counseling should be conducted regularly and can be used in conjunction with other types of relapse prevention in Carrollton.

No matter how long you've been clean, relapse is a very real possibility. Take steps to avoid it and you'll live a happy, healthy life free of addiction issues. Call us for more information (877) 804-1531.

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