Drug Rehab in Carrollton, TX

Drug and alcohol addiction are serious issues that can impact a person's life as soon as they develop. For many people, it takes months or years of using and abusing drugs or alcohol to actually become an addict. Once addiction takes hold, drug rehab in Carrollton is your best bet for getting clean and sober again.

Being an addict can be embarrassing and uncomfortable for many people, and while hiding it from others is a natural reaction, it won't do you much good in the long-term. The fact is that you can seek help and the people in your life will likely support you in doing so. They may even know that you're an addict that needs help already even if you're not aware of it.

Whether you're unsure of your addiction or you know that you're a full-blown addict, seeking help from qualified addiction rehab centers today can help you turn your life around. Making the phone call is worth it to improve your life and the lives of those people around you that you care about.

What is Drug Rehab?

Drug rehab is something that almost everybody has heard of before. Whether you know a close family member who has gone through it, or have simply heard about it on TV, it's likely not a foreign concept to you.

In simple terms, drug rehab is the process designed to help people dealing with drug and alcohol addiction get better again. Depending on your addiction, the types of treatment programs in Carrollton that you take part in will vary.

For most addicts, addiction rehab centers provide a safe space where they can focus on getting well again. Once addiction takes hold of you, it can be hard to beat it on your own. With the right help, you can find peace and beat demons that lead you back to drugs and alcohol time and time again.

You will also learn coping strategies that will help you avoid drug and alcohol addiction, as well as relapse, in the future.

Types of Addiction

People can become addicted to a variety of substances. While all addictions are severe and a major issue, some drugs cause more problems than others.

Common types of addiction include:

  • Alcohol addiction. Once dependent, many people feel the need to drink every day. Irresponsible drinking at work, in the morning or when already intoxicated is common.
  • Heroin addiction. Heroin is a dangerous opiate that can leave users addicted quickly. Withdrawal makes it hard for addicts to quit without the help of addiction rehab centers who understand heroin abuse and addiction.
  • Prescription drug addiction. Prescription opiate abuse is on the rise and negative consequences can be similar to those of long-term heroin use.
  • Cocaine addiction in Carrollton. Cocaine use is down in the state of Texas, but addiction is still very real for some. Many addicts find it hard to quit using cocaine on their own because of the addictive properties of the drug.
  • Amphetamine and methamphetamine addiction. Amphetamines and methamphetamines can destroy your body and induce psychotic states quickly when abused.

The list above is just a few of the drugs that can lead to addiction. No matter what drug you're addicted to, you can find drug rehab in Carrollton that understands your specific needs.

Drug Addiction Signs and Symptoms

Drug addiction doesn't happen overnight, but many people miss the signs that they may be developing an issue.

Common signs and symptoms of drug addiction include:

  • Feeling withdrawal symptoms when going without drugs. Withdrawal symptoms vary, but anxiety, sweating, tremors, nausea and irritability are common.
  • Desire to use even when you drugs or alcohol are impacting you in negative ways.
  • Using at inappropriate times. At work, when driving or with family.
  • Loss of control over drugs or alcohol used. Both quantity and frequency are concerns when it comes to drug addiction.

Among the most common treatment options you will find:

  • Inpatient drug rehab. Inpatient treatment requires addicts to stay in a facility for 30, 60 or 90 days to get help. Medical staff and medication are commonly utilized, as is individual and group therapy.
  • Outpatient drug rehab. Outpatient drug rehab in Carrollton lets addicts stay at home and continue working. Regular meetings, both individual and group, are common. Medicine is not typically used except in the case of methadone for heroin addiction.

Whatever type of addiction you're facing, drug rehab in Carrollton can help. Don't wait another day to get the treatment you need. Call us now (877) 804-1531.

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